Dyson 360 Vis Nav robotstøvsuger (blå) - Robotstøvsugere - Komplett.no
Varenummer: 1306068 / Produktnr.: 304623-01

Flere bilder av Dyson 360 Vis Nav robotstøvsuger (blå)

Dyson 360 Vis Nav robotstøvsuger (blå)

Kraftig sugeevne 100000g, opptil 40 min brukstid, 360° visuell navigasjon, app

14 890,-
539,- /mnd
12 stk. på lager.
Kredittavtale 33 mnd, kostnad 2 866,-, totalt 17 756,- (Eff. rente 12.89%).
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Dyson 360 Vis Nav robotstøvsuger

Modell 360 vis nav
Produktserie Dyson
Garanti (måneder) 12
EAN 5025155047859
Støvsuger type Normaltype
Filtertype HEPA
Detaljer Sensorteknologi
Cyclonic Technology Ja
Rensemetode Tørking
Støvoppsamling Uten pose
Støvkapasitet 0.5 liter
Rensertype Robotlignende
Produkttype Støvsuger
Innstillinger, kontroller og indikatorer
Kompatibel med smarttelefon Ja
Romnavigasjon Ja
Internet of Things (IoT)
kompatibel med Internet of Things (IoT) Ja
Kommunikasjonsteknologi Wi-Fi
Talestyrt Indirekte
Intelligent assistent Alexa, Google Assistant
Driftsautonomi 65 minutter
Ferdigoppladingstid 1.55 timer
Strømforsyningstype Gjenoppladbare batterier
Utvendig farge Blå
Inkludert verktøy Triple Action Brush Roll
Fargekategori Blå
Størrelser og vekt
Vekt 4.5 kg
Bredde 32 cm
Høyde 9.9 cm
Dybde 33 cm
Inkludert tilbehør
Rengjøringstilbehør Strømadapter, Ladestasjon
Inkludert tilbehør Strømadapter, Ladestasjon

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Gjennomsnittlig vurdering (169 stk)

Good but not quite there

Av Elisa 27.03.2025

The vacuum itself is awesome. The best suction and cleaning of any vacuum I own. It draws up very fine dust out of the cracks of an old hard wood floor without the filter being clogged right away. It did take a week for the house to be clean enough that I didn't have to empty the bin mid cycle. The down side - the navigation kind of sucks, it keeps going in places it has been banned from unless I mark off half the room. It gets stuck on vents at least once per cycle even though they are on the no go list. It will also get lost if the dogs panic and run over or past it, just seems to break its brain. The map is kind of pointless since is can't find its way home most days. The mapping its self is an all day thing to get a clean map that has all the rooms on it. It is very frustrating to spend an hour or two babysitting the robot to find out it missed two rooms. Normally it takes five tries to get it. All and all worth having if you have time to babysit it while it runs. If you are dusting and cleaning and watching it, it does cut cleaning time in half. If you want it to run while at work it probably won't work for you. To give context I live in a 160 year old house with all solid surface floors, about 1000sft living space on the floor it runs, 3 people and 3 dogs

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Great product

Av Downstairs Robot Vac 24.03.2025

Great machine but the only thing that can be improved is when the machine is on a hard floor and comes up to a thick carpet or a ducted vent, it sometimes struggles in this situation, Iwe have another cheaper brand that has no issue in these circumstances.

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Av Hope for better 19.03.2025

It just doesn’t go into corners or close to woodwork on walls and can’t find the charging station

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