Få med Starfield!
Ved kjøp av utvalgte AMD Radeon-skjermkort og Ryzen-prosessor, eller en Komplett-PC som inneholder en eller begge *
1. Receive AMD Coupon Code
A : Purchase an eligible AMD Ryzen Processor to receive an AMD TOKEN CODE from participating retailer or e-tailer
B: Purchase an eligible AMD Radeon graphics card to receive an AMD RADEON TOKEN CODE from participating retailer or e-tailer.
C: Purchase an eligible AMD-Powered system to receive an AMD A+A TOKEN CODE from participating retailer or e-tailer.
2. Install AMD Product
Make sure the eligible product is installed into the computer from wich the redemtion is being made.
3. Login to AMDRewards.com
Login or set up your www.AMDRewards.com profile.
4. Enter in AMD Coupon Code
Enter the AMD Token Code(s). Token Code is required to verify installation of the qualifying product with the Product Verification Tool(PVT). The PVT wil prompt you to download a file onto your computer. Accepting all terms of the PVT will allow it to run and verify the product.
5. Confirm your Game Reward
Select the Game(s) you wish to redeeem by adding to your cart and confirm your selections.
6. Activate your Game Reward
Activate your Game(s) by following the onscreen instructions. You may need to click the Activation link. You may be prompted to enter your Steam account information to complete checkout. You may need to sign up for an account.
* Noen prosessorer og skjermkort gir standardversjon og andre gir premiumversjon. Kampanjen varer fra 11 Juli til 30 september. Koden må aktiveres innen 28 oktober 2023.